Also Romāns Drics / Роман Дриц.
Born in Riga, Latvia.
Currently living and working in Hamburg, Germany.
Co-founded Barnimages – a collection of free non-stock photography.
Co-founding editor of OST SEE MAG (2015 – 2019) – a webzine with a focus on photography from the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
2015. Akina Books & Nico Baumgarten - A Crash Course in Photobook Making, ISSP, Latvia
2010. NOOR/Nikon Masterclass in Documentary Photography (masters: Nina Berman, Yuri Kozyrev, Jan Grarup), Saint Petersburg, Russia
Selected exhibitions
2025. Prototype, Barbican Arts Group Trust, London, UK
2023. ARTIST X AI, DDP Plaza, Seoul, South Korea
2023. ARTIST X AI, The Oculus, New York, USA
2023. NFT Paris, Grand Palais, Paris, France
2022. Unblock Gaudi / Digital Art via Blockchain, Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany
2022. THE BASTARDS - Post and Experimental Photography, Superchief Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2016. SURCON, Hamburg, Germany
2015. Street photography exhibition, Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia
2015. GENESIS, Jurmala City Museum, Jurmala, Latvia
2013. COLLECTION, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2012. Bākas (Lighthouses), Riga Art Space, Riga, Latvia.
2012. About Photography, Kaunas Photo Festival 2012, Kaunas, Lithuania
2011. Eastern European photography show, Studio 41, Glasgow, UK
2011. Solo exhibition in F Galerija, Kaunas, Lithuania
2011. "Auftakt", Solo Exhibition in Vilnius Photography Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
2010. "Auftakt", Solo Exhibition in FotoDepartament Gallery, Saint
Petersburg, Russia
2010. Trainspotting, Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia
2010. Traditions and Modernity, Baku Art Center, Baku, Azerbaijan
2009. Rudens 2009, Laimīgās Mākslas muzejs, Riga, Latvia
2009. Graduates, urban environment, Cesis Art Festival, Cesis, Latvia
2009. III Baltic Photobiennale, Kaliningrad, Russia
2008. 100, St. Peter’s Church, Riga, Latvia
2011. Connect 2011. Palm Springs Photo Festival, Los Angeles, California, USA
2011. Carousel Slide Slam, HOST Gallery, London, UK
2011. Baltic Street Photography Now: “Publicly privatized”, Slideshow curated by Mindaugas Kavaliauskas, Format International Photography Festival, Derby, UK
2010. Zitrone Magazine Screenshow, Kulturpalast Linden, Hannover, Germany
2010. Kaunas Photo Star Night of Photography. Projection of selected photographers’ works, Kaunas, Lithuania
Grants and Awards
2011. Black and White Spider Awards, nominee in People
2010. Kaunas Photo Festival 2010, special prize
2010. Noor-Nikon Masterclass in Documentary Photography
2009. III International Photo Competition Baku 2009, 2nd place + Gallery "Humay" award
Selected publications
2015. Moray Mair "Roman Drits Photographs Capture The Immediacy Of Experience", Mutantspace
2012. Joanna L. Cresswel "Auftakt", HotShoe Magazine
2012. Vilnis Vējš "Paradies", Latvian Photography Yearbook